Sunday, February 25, 2024

The Coming Storm in the Middle East

Middle East and Israe, this isn't about Hamas but many other hidden countries and organizations. Like Hezbula in the North of Israel that is getting ready to join in but not the first time this has been going on for centuries but this is a sign of the end. Of this age. You notice I said the end of an age. This is a mark in time that is coming but you must understand the Lord is going to fulfill His Word and His Word is True and Faithful and True. These countries will continue to combine they are doing what has been prohsiesd to come to pass. We will see it come true Because the Bible is True. We understand that Russia and China are not the only ones that will get involved. These smaller countries will back off or join in whatever benefits them. If we look at history even from the Bible as the Jewish people leaving Egypt the countries that would not allow The Jewish people to go through their land. It has been going on since that time even though God was with them and told them where to go and even cursed those who would not let His people to get home that is His home for His inheritance to them. He is the God of Abraham and Issac and Jacob. Jacob is the Father of the Children of Israel because His name was changed to Israel 🇮🇱 the world knows these facts but the Evil one has so many confused and can't understand how this could be true. But it is and forever will be. The Lord God of Israel will never change. Amen and Amen God Bless you and give you Peace.

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